Whole-house renovations often occur when you decide to remain in your neighborhood because of lot size, schools or when your home would easily adapt to expansion when families grow.

Whole house renovations generally involve every aspect of the home and include foundation changes, roofline changes, reconfiguring existing space as well as adding new space. Oftentimes doubling the size of the home is common. This type of project is a major financial investment as well as a time commitment. Our design and construction services combine to make whole house renovation a seamless process to bring you a new home.

Some of our whole house renovations have been completed in many of the in-town neighborhoods, such as Lincoln Park or Bucktown or in the suburbs – River Forest, Highland Park, Deerfield or Lincolnwood.




Give your house a new look with whole house remodeling. Sometimes in order to update an existing living space, other rooms must be remodeled in order to achieve the look you seek. There is no limit to whole house remodeling: from opening up floor plans, adding on rooms and living areas, to adding entire sections of a home, no project is too complex.

  • Floor plan adjustments
  • Room additions
  • Floor additions
  • Kitchen and master bathroom remodeling
  • Master bedroom
  • Outdoor living space




Is your home a candidate for whole-house remodeling? In addition to smaller projects including bathroom and kitchen remodels, we can help you evaluate renovating a whole house or whether a new custom home would be more appropriate.


Enjoy your summer!

Michael Menn
