Staying In Your Home as You Get Older

Whether or not you are 60 years old or older, considering what you will do in your home as you are aging, is something for everyone to think about. While 60 certainly is not old, as we age, physical limitations may emerge. Yet we want to maintain our standard of living even as those limitations present themselves. This includes staying in our residences. Aging-in-Place is a concept that addresses the physical limitations of aging while promoting independence.

Michael Menn, Principal of Michael Menn Ltd., is a Certified Aging-in-Place Specialist (CAPS), meaning he has a thorough understanding of how to factor in the aging of the occupants.

Some examples of aging-in-place improvements include:

  • Higher toilet seats and sinks in the Bathroom
  • Grab bars by toilets and in showers and bathtubs
  • Height and location of appliances, sinks and countertops in the Kitchen
  • Location and height of electrical devices throughout the residence
  • The width of doorways and hallways

Certified Aging-in-Place Specialist