What is National Remodeling Month

April 29, 2024|0 Comments

National Remodeling Month is an annual observance in the United States dedicated to promoting awareness about home remodeling and renovation projects. It typically takes place during the month of May. The purpose of National Remodeling [...]

Bathroom Decor

March 25, 2024|Comments Off on Bathroom Decor

Toilet paper. It's one of the items you'll hopefully find in all bathrooms. Of course there are different ways to store or display toilet paper so we thought we'd share a few with you that [...]

Top 10 Reasons why hiring a professional architect to remodel your kitchen is important!

March 11, 2024|Comments Off on Top 10 Reasons why hiring a professional architect to remodel your kitchen is important!

Design Expertise: Professional architects have the knowledge and experience to create functional and aesthetically pleasing designs. They understand spatial relationships, ergonomics, and design principles, ensuring that your kitchen not only looks good but also [...]

10 Ways To Get Organized This Month

January 9, 2024|Comments Off on 10 Ways To Get Organized This Month

1. Declutter Room by Room: Start with one room at a time to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Declutter by categorizing items into keep, donate, and discard piles. Assess each item's usefulness and sentimental value. 2. [...]

  • Remodeling Your Kitchen

Remodeling Your Kitchen

October 1, 2023|Comments Off on Remodeling Your Kitchen

Remodeling your kitchen before the holidays can be a smart decision for several reasons: 1.Improved Functionality: A kitchen renovation can help optimize the layout, storage, and functionality of your kitchen. This can make meal preparation [...]

What is Aging In Place

August 6, 2023|Comments Off on What is Aging In Place

Aging in place refers to the concept of allowing older adults to remain in their own homes or familiar environments as they age, rather than relocating to assisted living facilities or nursing homes. The goal [...]